Welcome parents!
UNAGB considers ourselves proud partners of parents as you shape your child’s educational experience. We’ve had the pleasure of working with many parents of globally minded leaders.
Watch this short video to hear what a few parents are saying about why they encourage their children to participate in Model UN.
Frequently Asked Questions
I see that this is the United Nations Association of Greater Boston, does my student need to be in Greater Boston to participate?
There are no geographic restrictions for participation in the MUN Module! We are excited for as many classrooms that are interested to join as possible. Please do share this resource with your student’s social studies or humanities teacher. The Module can be adapted for students in grades 5 - 10.
My student is doing this project as part of their COVID-19 distance learning social studies/humanities course. How can I support?
We often find that Model UN is a great conversation starter into world events, so do ask your students what they are learning throughout the Module. With this in mind, we’ve provided a question that corresponds with each lesson. We hope that this is a useful jumping off point for discussion:
Questions for Discussion:
Lesson One: What is the global issue you’ll be studying? What questions do you have about it?
Lesson Two: What country will you be representing? What did you learn about it that you didn’t know before?
Lesson Three: What statistics did you find about your country surprised you?
Lesson Four: Who is the current leader of the country you’ve been assigned? What do you know about him or her?
Lesson Five: Do you have any answers to the questions you asked at the start of this unit?
Lesson Six: What has your country done to address this issue within its borders?
Lesson Seven: What has your country done to address this issue as part of the international community? Has it given or received aid? Signed any treaties or UN resolutions about this topic?
Lesson Eight: What recommendations will you suggest to address this issue?
After the Module: Now that you’ve studied this global issue from the perspective of one country, what do you think should be done?
My child is really interest in global issues right now, are there other ways for them to keep learning?
Yes! Each summer UNAGB runs week-long programs on global issues that use the Model UN framework. It’s fun, engaging, and inspiring. You can learn more about our program here.