Welcome students!
Welcome to UNAGB MUN Modules - we’re happy you’re here!
Use the information below to research your country and the global issue. If you are looking for a challenge, try the games in the challenge section below. Have fun!
Country Research
Use the following links to begin research on your country profile:
Global Issues
Use the following links to begin research on your global issue
Topic Resources for Girls’ Education
Topic Resources for Ocean Conservation
Position Paper Resources
Use the following links to help you write the position paper
Slide deck explaining how to write a Position Paper
Position Paper Outline (use this to capture the notes from your country research
Draft the Position Paper
Looking for a challenge?
See how you do on the following games:
Maps! This program has 3 levels of challenge per continent (Sheppard Software, we recommend starting at beginner level)
Country Flags, Capitals, and more! This program will donate food through the UNDP as you play (Free Rice)
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and World Cultures! (UNAGB Kahoot!)
Diplomacy! Make foreign policy decisions and see the outcome (iCivics: Crisis of Nations game; requires Flash)