Welcome teachers!
Click here to access MUN Modules curriculum materials.
Each Module is focused on a different global issue that relate to one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Teachers can chose which topic they’d like their class to learn about - or do both! Both Modules can be accessed through the curriculum, which can be found here.
Girls Education
Student challenge: How can the international community work together to create more opportunities for girls’ education?
Education is one the most empowering ways for an individual to change their own lives, yet around the world, fewer girls have access to education. Moreover, the current global pandemic is only making access to education more challenging.
Join world leaders in addressing persistent issues of inequality, made even more visible in the current context.
Ocean Conservation
Student challenge: How can the international community work together to protect the oceans?
Some were calling 2020, the “Year of the Ocean” with planned conferences to address ocean conservation, including the World Ocean Summit in Japan in March, the U.N. Ocean Conference in Portugal in June, the World Conservation Congress in France also in June, and culminating in actions by the U.N. Committee on Fisheries in Italy in July. But like many events this spring these in-person meetings were canceled due to the global pandemic.
Join world leaders in taking on the challenge of staying focused and resilient even through unprecedented changes to plans, events, and daily life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I access curricular materials for myself and my students?
Click on the link to the curriculum materials above. This link includes an overview, daily lesson plans, and student materials.
All student materials are in the form of Google Docs so they can be used and adapted in Google Classroom.
Are there additional resources for teachers who are new Model UN and/or MUN Modules?
New to Model UN?
Click here to watch a short 3 minute introductory video that will prepare you and your students for your first Model UN learning experience!
New to MUN Modules?
Click here to watch a 14 minute overview of the curriculum from one of our April trainings.
What grade levels are MUN Modules intended for?
These modules can be used with students in grades 6-12. There are suggested modifications in the curriculum materials so that they can be adapted for all skill levels.
The modules reinforce skills in the Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework.